
Singel,Married or in between!?

Do we even know what we are,what we want and if it really works?
Singel: Simple,easy and lonely. Sex,drinks,flirt and useless phone number. Serious? I dont think so. When you are singel everything is exciting,new and a butterfly effect. You want attention,observation,compliments and a lot of flirting. Berhaps sometimes you do want an invitation home(not sex) just to see how quickly the guy want to get in to your pants but when the guy wants your number its bad,really bad. There are a few nice candies who really wants to get to know you and askes for your number but you rather not give it and tell him i see you the next time,you owe me a dance. Married: ln love,engagement,promise. Rutins,family, forever yours. Its new,adveture,obligations not really what you expected(right?) Well things never are but at least you are not alone,you don´t have to play,you have someone who has promised you the world. No more partying exept with him,no more screwing around,no more flirting to see if you have a chanse no you have now a man who tells you how sexig you are and how happy you make him. But what happends when you are...
In between: Confused,a little lonely,have a lot of cuestions. More attention,more answers,more affection. Its not easy to be in between,do we trust when he sais that he wants to be with you for the rest of his life,does that take the fear away that he is to good to be true and leave you one day. We cant be calm and say everything is going to be ok because you start to let your gard down and fall in love and what if he dosen´t say it back how will you ever know if he really wants you? I know that acctions speak louder than words but we do need to hear to,it could be a lie but it will be stuck in to our heads for the end of time and it will make us sure and somehow more safe to let go and to not worry so much anymore.
In Limbo is when we are in between dreaming and a awake and i dont want to be in between those any more i want my dreams to come true and to be awake when that happends. Im tired of being in limbo and not knowing when to wake up or to continue dreaming. Im not in a hurry but i need to know...So do every women in the world,one way or another.

Lesson of the day:
Its not easy being a women and complicated.
We wish we could think like guys and act lite them to.
Every women wants to hear what you are thinking and not just see it.
We need to hear that you care,love,worry.
Dont ever give up you will know where you are in life in time.

Peace,Love & Devotion

Cheating or not Cheating?

Ok what is cheating really?...is it a kiss on the cheek?is it a kiss on the mouth,is it a french kiss? or is it to have sex with another person besides your partner? A lot of things could happend,you could get surpised by a kiss on the mouth by a friend and u didint see it coming,you could be drunk and kiss a person and dont remember it the next day or you could wake up next to somebody who is not your partner. Define cheating? My thoughts are the minute you are thinking of being with another person is cheating(dump her/him)! I mean a thought can go so far,and acction speak louder than words.Everybody makes mistakes right? We are so afraid of making them that we end up making them more than ones. When does the nerves of being inlove or loved stops? When do we start realize that we have someone who really truly cares and loves us? We are so used to being singels,reaching for attention and hoping to be in love that we forgat what we wiched for! Be careful for what you wich for it might come true! I really didint think it would for me,i really thought that he would realize that he wasent ready for me and leave me like every other man has,i didint think that he would put up with my mistakes and love me anyways and i didint think that i would have someone who would say,im with you all the way,you will have to break up with me to get rid of me because im here for the long road. Im finally in love and happy that it scares me. Im use to being singel,to flirt,to not saying no,i love kissing and i have done my share in the past so all of this is so new that im scared of making mistakes. I am working and fithing with myself everyday. I go to partys and i try not to flirt(not to smile).try not to be over social,try not to be center of a attention and if a guy wants to talk to me i let them know that i have a boyfriend and im not in the market! Its very hard and i understand men,they must be having a hard time while having someone they love but so many singel,sexy females out there who is flirting and making suggestions ooohhh thats harder i understand beeelive me!! So men flirt,smile and if a women gives you a kiss and you didint see it coming,what can we say its not easy,it never will be!!! People are tricky when tey want something even if its a friend...Remember that and embrace that.

Lesson of the day:
Never ever trust a friend you dont know what they want.
A kiss from a friend sometimes is just a friendly kiss.
The first thought that you might have with another person is cheating.
If you are cheating then you are confused and not inlove.(be singel)
Make love not war!
Until tomorow
Peace,Love & Devotion
Forgivness is big but to forget will never hapend!

Analyze this!!

Analyze,recognize,realize. we sure have many more of those words in our heads and i do mean women head. We love analyzing,complicating and multiplying our problems in to a big black hole of nothing. Because we just build up in our head with a lot of nossens and all of that nossens is based on insecurity,instability and loneliness. Im talking from my one experience. I love to analyze,to try to see what the other persons thoughts are and try to get in to their heads. Its exciting,uplifting and makes my head twirl. Im weird i know but im also a poet,a philosopher a good writer and a love a good story and finding out how the human mind works. I my self are having a problem not try to analyze things,it makes me just want to disappear,puke,hide under a pillow or just cry. I mean its hard not get jealous,sad or insecure when you are afraid of loosing someone right?. And women are often afraid of that,and we at that moment start to analyze and put on a wall so we can see others weakness,figure them out before they get to close which in a way they already have thats why the wall comes up. Since a was a little girl i have never thought bad about people so i have never had a wall up and analyze those who are near me because i didin´t think they would hurt me but in a hard way i learned that you have to analyze and have a wall so people wont hurt or take advantage of your kindness. It´s hard to find a balance between analyzing and being your own guard of your heart. We don´t need to put on a wall,we don´t need to think bad about people and we dont need to be afraid it comes with life and living is pain but its a bittersweet hapiness. Dont ever forget that analyzing is a way to see the world with bigger and brighter eyes but dont do it with fair and insecure because you might fall deep in to the black hole.

days loong leason:
Analyze why not!!
Analyze to deep be carefoul you might go crazy BELIVE ME!!
Girls stop analyzin men they are not complicated!!
Girls stop trying to read a man there is nothing o read...(:p)
Men start talking we dont like to nag.

Until next time because i might be analyzing some more;)
Peace,Love & Devotion


Whats worse telling the truth or lie? To tell the truth is to say i know and understand what i have done i take full responsibility  and know that ive made a big mistake and i wish i could turn back the time and make it right. To lie is to say i know what i did but im so imbaressed,i dont want to loose you and hurt you so i kept lying because i didint want to be hurt by facing the truth,im selfish and telling a lie makes everything better because you will never see my flaws. We dont like to be weak,to let anybody in,to take your heart in their hands and try to make sure that you never brake it. But we do make mistakes specially with the ones we really love and care about,what is that why do we not just let things be? Do we always have to play with fire? Things happends for a reason and we do things stupid things that might destroy beautiful things out life but we do lurn and we do see what really is important to us,we are not just getting to know another person we are in the process getting to know ourself to,we grow and we say im never going to do the same thing again beacause its not worht it but the big cuestion is CAN THE PERSON EVER FORGIVE ME? Can i make things better and will he/her ever trust me ever again even if i told the truth and recognize that i was wrong?
Well i have always told the truth and i dont like when someone lie to me but misstakes is a thing that i will always do because im a person who is growing and need to get to know herself even more. Im A fighter and i will fight for what is right and strong in my heart and i will always be real and true to myself and others around me even if i might hurt then as well they could hurt me i can take it because Love will always conquer everything if its meant to be!

Lesson of the weekend:
Always tell the truth no matter what!
"The truth shall set you free" its really true
Always have a clean conscience.
You grow and make misstakes its ok
just learn not to ever do them again and understand
the consequences of your actions and try always to make it better.
Love is suffering but love is everything so to suffer is to live!

Peace,Love & Devotion

To say i Love you is to say you have my heart and i hope you never let it go because i feel good there and i never want to leave your side. I do love you and always will.


Tell me who dosen't like fast food? Its fast,its food and its so delicious. Cheese,french fries,coca-cola,pizza a big hamburger,toast with cheese and ham well you get it. Its so good but so bad. I mean its not healthy and not good for your organs and body,but one time in a million is OK! I think i will eat a little bit in the weekende because i deserv it! If you have a negative thoughts about fast food its a big posebility that you will gain wait but if you dont think about it and just eat nothing will happend. To enjoy things in life is to always try to think positiv so you really can be happy and free of care about your desitions in life. With a good conscience,good heart and being humble you will have the world in your heart! So forget this...

And try to think like this:

Its in your hand and nobody can stop you!

Lesson of the day:
Eat whatever you like and be happy with it.
To enjoy is to be positiv.
Nothing will go positiv if you think negativ.
And i am goign to eat unhealthy this weekend and enjoy!!

Until tomorow
Peace,Love & Devotion

Loosing weight!

Loosing weight is something we all know and relate 2. My cuestion is who are we doing it for. Is it so we can feel better about ourselve,is it so we can feel comfortable infront of our boyfriend/girlfriend naked or in bathing suit,or is it so we can stand looking at ourselves in the mirror? I mean we have al different reasons and cuestions in our heads why we want to look in a different way and feel. We should be thinking about our health,right? We should be thinking how do i want to look when we put on pants,dress,shirt,skirt,whatever it might be we should be thinking about ourelves BUT we can't. Its difficult when all we do think about is what people might think when they se me out in the streets or in the beach. We think we have a good self-confidence and that we don't really care what people think but as older as we get the more we think about how perfect we want to look and feel. I know i feel good when i look in the mirror and i see that i can go out in the street and feel comfortable about how i look. And the only thing i can do is start being healthy and train,but do things i like cus if you do things you don't like and eat things you can't eat you will never loose any weight,you will gain more. So we need more positiv thinking and try to do things for ourselves and nobody else!

Healthy food from the top gives you a top form and a top body:) Make it work.

lesson of the day:
To eat healthy is to live longer.
To train is to gain more energy.
Think about your health.
You can do it if you think about yourself.

Until tomorow
Peace,Love & Devotion


I love when things happends without no planes or clue. It's just that you kind of enjoy so much more than when you plan things,you have expectations,hope of things that you might want or thinks is going to happend. The negative part is that you might get disappointed or not have as fun as you thought you wore. The sad part is that people don't do anything without planning anymore especially in sweden,where everybody is stressed and running and have so much to do that they don't stop and just have fun around friends and taking a big breath and just live. In other countrys they call eachother or just go to a friends house without calling even,everything is more a live and people enjoy of being togehter,here is like we are all bears,we hide in the winter and we come out during the summer,its so sad no wonder people move and they stop living. I wish i could experiance what life,people,music is all about in the streets or just in poeples faces,i had a little bit of that today,i felt like i did when i was 16 and i use to hook up with friends and we would barbecue,bathe or meet at someones house and watch a movie. It felt good and well spontaneously. We all need more of that.More music,more laughter,more happines and more dancing in the street!

Lesson of the day:
Live today and think about tomorow.
Make things happend now!!
keep good friends around you.

Until Tomorow
Peace,Love & Devotion

Positiv vibes

Its so important with positiv influence by things and what people gives us. I just got a lot of positiv vibes and thoughts of a very important person in my life that i haven't seen in a while. I had forgotten what kind of person she is. She has always been a good friend of mine and i had mist her so much so im glad she is back in my life and i can't wait to spend some more time with her and learn with open mind and heart about her and the way she thinks and analyse things. It could really help me develop as a person and the quatiys that i have. My mind map in my head is getting easier and better and it's all because of her i mean it. She has bean my insperation and motivation to belive more in myself and to start doing things for me and nobody else THANK YOU!! We really need a person,a guide who can help us and give us guidence through life. And its better when its a friend who knows you,who cares about you and wants the best for you. I feel that the path is opening and im opening to the possibility that i could come to be someone important and do things that i might like,who knows!

Lesson of day:
Don't give up!
Your guide is beside you.
A friend is more than just a shoulder to cry on.
A old friend from your past can help you more than you think.

Until tomorow to see another beautiful friend.
Peace,Love & Devotion

twist and turn.

Don't you love it when you are waiting for an answer and it takes so long for you to hear and when you finally do it's wonderfoul and makes you let everything go and just have fun? Well i just had ones of those moments. It was wonderful and now i can let everything go and move forward. My life hasen't tourned out the way a guess i thought it would but things are changing every day and these moments of happiness and answers iv'e bean wanting to hear is here and i couldn't be more happier about that. We just need to hear what people really think so we can move forward with our life and process everything. Does that sound logic? Well it does to me so now im in a new chapter in my life,im going to try seeing things in a more positiv way and try to capture the old claudia in me,the one i was, if thats possible. Women have a easy way of holding on to things,we have a hard time to let go if we don't finish what we started or if we are not sure of something,we need to ask cuestions and we do need to talk about things until we feel better,until we feel safe again. I know for men we are pain in the butt,why cain't we just let it go and move on with our lifes and why why why do we always have to talk about our feeling all the time?? Right?? Well we have our way to deal with things while men,they need bear,fast food a game and friends to think and just to try to process what's happening. Or they just forget and acts like nothing has happend. It's funny how people think and works.

Lesson od the day:
Im beginning to be a typical women.
Never ne ashame to be a women.
never let go of talking about your feelings.
we need to hear the ugly truth sometimes.
sometimes a lie helps.

Until tomorow
Peace,Love & Devotion


There is a fine line between frienship and relationship. I mean what's the most important ship? A friend who is always there or a person that you really love and could have a future with?
I dont really know where the line goes. What do you listen to? Who do you take first every case and day of your life? You never fight with a friend because of a man/girl right? But to you leave your love behind for a friend? If a friend told you,breake with him/her they are not worth it,do we listen? If a friend told you stop giving his/her all attention,you should be more with your friends,do we do as they tell us? If a friend sais don't answer the phone he/she is always calling you,and when you do answer they scream and they say hang up the phone live her/him alone for ones? Do we do just that?
When a boyfriend/girlfriend tells you: You are always with your friends and never with me,you always go out with them but never with me,you never whant to do anything fun with me! Do we listen and leave our friends behind?
A lot of people don't know how to seperate the different relationships,it's not the same i guess. You say i would love to be with a person who is my best friend but you do everything with your best friend and you tell them everything right? Can you do the same with a boy/girlfriend? or can you only do that with someone you dont have any strong feelings for? You want to share more with a girl/boyfriend but can you really be yourself with them? or can you only be yourself with your friends? I think is important to get to know the one you are with,want to know every detail about the person and see if you could be with that person as a best friend,as a lover,as a partner that you never leave behind and when you come to that you well never feel that you are leaving your friends behind either.

Lesson of the day:
Don't take yourself for granted.
You are born alone and you will live and die alone.
Everything you do is for you.
We are selfesh uman kind.
It's easy to be jealous when you feel like you are alone.
Being apart of something is not feeling alone.

Until next time
Peace,Love & Devotion

T'es Parti-Gone


T'es Parti

Y a l'homme que l'on aime
Et l'autre qu'on ne comprend pas
Si les deux sont le même
Alors lequel nous restera ?
Je ne sais pas, je ne sais plus
Lequel tu seras quand tu reviendras...

Y a pas que l'amour qui blesse
Y a les conséquences de certains gestes
T'es parti...
Ta famille pleure et la fête est finie
Y a pas que l'erreur qui blesse
Y a le mal de l'absence qui reste
Ce pour la vie
Mais comment as-tu pu finir ainsi ?

Y a l'homme que l'on aime
L'autre qui ne s'aime pas
Qui s'endort sur ses problèmes
Trop fier, n'en parle pas
Je ne sais pas, je ne sais plus
Et deux visages pour deux images
Oh non
Je ne sais pas, je ne sais plus
Comment te reconnaître quand tu reviendras

(refrain x4)


Lyrics By: Shy'm-T'es Parti



There's one man that you love
And another one that you don't understand
And if these two are the same
Which one will stay with us
I don't know, I don't know anymore
Which one of the two you will be when you return

There's not only love that hurts
There are also the consequneces of certain gestures
You're gone
Your family is crying and the party's over
There's not only the mistake that hurts
There's also the pain of having been abandoned that remains
That will last a whole life
But how could you end up like this

There's the man that you love and the other one that doesn't love himself
And who falls asleep in the middle of his problems
Being too proud to talk about them
I don't know, I don't know anymore
Two faces for two pictures
Oh no
I don't know, I don't know anymore
How I will recognize you when you will return


Den som mött sin soulmate, sin själsfrände, har en helt annan upplevelse av kärleken. Känslan börjar på ett djupare plan och söker sig upp till ytan. Tillsammans med en soulmate finns en stark känsla av samhörighet även om man inte känner varandra. Man njuter av varandras sällskap och känner lycka i både hjärtat och själen. Mötet med en soulmate kan vara både överraskande och överrumplande.

har inga mer ord för dagens inlägg tyvärr. Känner mig vilsen,kluven,osäker och bara ensam. Kommer att vara ett avbrott från mitt flytande inlägg på bloggen men det kommer när jag mår bättre,belive me;)
Saker och ting händer i livet,antingen ger man upp och skiter i allt(springer iväg) eller så är man mogen nog och står framför porblemet eller vad det nu kan vara och försöker kämpa hur ont och hur jobbigt det än må vara.

Kärlek är jobbigt och shit vilken otur man har haft men någon dag kommer det att bli min och min soulmate kommer att märka av det,komma till mig och aldrig vilja släppa taget. En soulmate vill vara med den personen hela tiden inte ibland eller när den har lust.

Med det sagt hoppas ni får en trevlig dag vi ses när vi ses..


Birthdays :)

The most sepcial day of the year is what? Your birthday. I really don't understand why some people don't like to celebrate their birthday. I mean is the perfect day to be happy and give thanks that you are a live and the things that we have in life. I love celebrating,is just another day to wish birthday gifts and open them to:) What?? there is nothing wrong with that,it's my day and i want all the attantion that i can get even if im the one who organizes everything. I Make sure that my day is perfect and everything goes as planned. I do this just because i love havingpoeple who i love around me and seeing them happy is my why of feeling good on my birthday. Well this day was my wondefoul brothers day actually,he turned 23 today.he is really big. I remember when he was a baby and all i wanted to do was to carry him around but i couldn't he was to big for me." As the years gone by and these are the time of our lives" reconize it well its from the days of our lives,and its true we don't really put so much thought to it. Time flys by so fast and all we want to do is to (turn back time,if only i would i had said what i still hide)-Aqua. If i think about every song has something to do that we dont appreciate the time that we have. Im just happy that im a big part of my brothers life and that i have had the opportunity to see him grow and to be a young,handsome nad a good man. I have good men in my life and he is definitely one of them!
Happy Birthday Christofer Figueroa Love you very long time;)

well i think thats enough for me.
Lesson fo the day:
Appreciate what you have.
You don't know what you have until you don't anymore.
slow slow slow

Until tomorow
Peace,Love & Devotion
Tomorow is time for the sun to say hello:)

sure? mr/ms right?

Are we ever sure of anything in life? How can you be sure that something is right? How do you know that the right way is the surest way? Are we ever sure that we have found the right one?
Everybody wants to fint that somebody right? and we really want to be sure of that? See how those two words comebind with eachother? Thats because we need to be sure that things are right!!!
We can never be sure and we can't always be right but what we can do is to take a risk and make sure we get it right!! Things aren't always the way it suppose to be but we can hell make sure that we get it the way we wanted to be even if it dosent  a100%. When a thought or a dream about the right person coming along might not be right should we give up? Or should we still have hope to se if that "RIGHT" person comes along? How do we know? A lot of cuestions and so confusing right? heheh ok sorry Il'l get to the point. Analysing about this makes you think if we really know anything about life and the cause why we are here and why its so important to be sure and to be right all the time. I mean i dont like it when im wrong but when im right im not sure that i really am. Things shange and we always have something new to learn so are we right when science tells us that we are? And can we really be sure about things? I dont know i just follow my heart and the sunset and we will se if im right about being sure:P
I know one things for sure,my heart always tells me if im in the right path so im must be doing something right even if im not sure;) And i might not know for sure that he's the one but my heart always skip a bit when im with him so what does that tell you? Is he right and can i be sure?Im i the right for him? And yes he can be sure!!

A analysing story in 01:15 at night. How fun am i;)
Good night!!


Plans,routines,expectations. Things you know is going to happend before it does. Safe?
Well we like to plan,we love it when things happends the way its suppose to. But now and then we do love our little suprises(the unexpected). When somebody does something that makes us smile extra or takes our breath away. Gives us butterflys. A friend who calls and sais "let's go out", "Come in to town and have a coffe with me or just take a walk", or when somebody just unexpected comes and ring the bell to your home and suprises you. When you resive a rose(any flower really),a hug,a big kiss,just something you didin't know was going to happend. A suprise. It dosen't have to be a big but the little things does matter. So what im trying to say is that when we do plan we expect something to happend that day,hour or month but when it dosen't happend what do we do? or how do we feel? disappointed,bad,angry,uut of energy and just wnat to give up? Well we do have to make new plans and it might go well but at the same time we just what things to go as planed. So i propose that we stop planing the little things leave that to the BIG Plans in the future andn just go with the flow,do things we like to do in the moment and it will go so much better. We are going to smile so much more and bigger than ever.

Speak Or Silence
We might think that while we speak about different things and keep the conversation going its going to be better and people might like us better right? WRONG!! Silence i kill you!!! Could work to. I mean by being silence it gives us minutes to think or to reflect,analyse or maybye just being silence. You have to have a balance between speaking and being quiet. We have to learn how to listen even when nobody is speaking. Don't get me wrong i really don't like it when its quiet. I love speaking and listening to people talk. I think it gets weird,so i try to keep the conversation going because i really don't like the silence i love the noise.

lesson of the day:
Try not to plan,just do!
The unexpected is little suprises now and then.
A phone call gives a lot.
A suprise is nice sometimes.
Not knowing makes you learn even more.

Until tomorow
Good night and sleep tight dont let the bed bugs bight;)
Peace,Love & Devotion

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