
I know that realtionships aren't easy but when its good its veryyy goood and it makes you happy. There is different types of realationships,you have father and dother,mother and dother,sisters or siblings,you have frienship and one of the most important and the most difficult is between a man and a woman. It takes time and effort for you to make everything work in realtionships. Communication,love,devotion,respect and understanding makes a succesfull relationship. Time is alsow a key to making a good story in your life. Time makes you react differently and makes you stop things before is too late. Time makes you want somebody even more and appreciate someone. It makes you think and realise what is that you want with this individual beside you.

I miss You
Is it so hard to say?
Its not that big but it is a way of putting yourself outhere and making yourself vulnerable to what the answer might be. But i miss you its not so bad after all. A person needs to hear it sometimes. It makes you happy and secure that someone is thinking about you and that you have made an impact on somebodys life. Everyone worries what people are gonna think after our death,what is it going to say on our grave stone? We want our life to mean something and we want to make a difference in somebodys life. An advice,a hand,a shoulder to cry on a friend or an impact. We want to mean something to someone who is going to remember us when we are gone. Who is going to feel it in there heart when we are not around. Women and men want to be that one to somebody and to say i miss you is a big step but its alsow necessary to say. Words can mean so much. " acction speak louder than words"? but we do need to hear the words to. You see when a person says something so meaningful it makes you heart melt,happy and you say to yourself thank good i wasent wrong about how she/he really felt about me!

Lesson of the day:
Every kind of realishionship is hard and needs time.
Don't be ever afraid to say something it might be to late when you do.
Acction do speak louder than words but words are aslo important to hear.
Remember that a picture says a 1000 words a memory for life.

Until tomorow if
Peace,Love & Devotion


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