Cheating or not Cheating?

Ok what is cheating really? it a kiss on the cheek?is it a kiss on the mouth,is it a french kiss? or is it to have sex with another person besides your partner? A lot of things could happend,you could get surpised by a kiss on the mouth by a friend and u didint see it coming,you could be drunk and kiss a person and dont remember it the next day or you could wake up next to somebody who is not your partner. Define cheating? My thoughts are the minute you are thinking of being with another person is cheating(dump her/him)! I mean a thought can go so far,and acction speak louder than words.Everybody makes mistakes right? We are so afraid of making them that we end up making them more than ones. When does the nerves of being inlove or loved stops? When do we start realize that we have someone who really truly cares and loves us? We are so used to being singels,reaching for attention and hoping to be in love that we forgat what we wiched for! Be careful for what you wich for it might come true! I really didint think it would for me,i really thought that he would realize that he wasent ready for me and leave me like every other man has,i didint think that he would put up with my mistakes and love me anyways and i didint think that i would have someone who would say,im with you all the way,you will have to break up with me to get rid of me because im here for the long road. Im finally in love and happy that it scares me. Im use to being singel,to flirt,to not saying no,i love kissing and i have done my share in the past so all of this is so new that im scared of making mistakes. I am working and fithing with myself everyday. I go to partys and i try not to flirt(not to smile).try not to be over social,try not to be center of a attention and if a guy wants to talk to me i let them know that i have a boyfriend and im not in the market! Its very hard and i understand men,they must be having a hard time while having someone they love but so many singel,sexy females out there who is flirting and making suggestions ooohhh thats harder i understand beeelive me!! So men flirt,smile and if a women gives you a kiss and you didint see it coming,what can we say its not easy,it never will be!!! People are tricky when tey want something even if its a friend...Remember that and embrace that.

Lesson of the day:
Never ever trust a friend you dont know what they want.
A kiss from a friend sometimes is just a friendly kiss.
The first thought that you might have with another person is cheating.
If you are cheating then you are confused and not inlove.(be singel)
Make love not war!
Until tomorow
Peace,Love & Devotion
Forgivness is big but to forget will never hapend!

Postat av: jackie

Otrohet kan vara olika hos var och en....

hur det ser de och hur dom tar de....

Oftast så hör man att otrohet är när sin partner har legat med någon annan än den dom har ett förhållande med. Men på sista tiden så räcker det med en kyss på läpparna (hångel) så är det otrohet....

Men det finns även dom som är så svartsjuka så att en kram med motsatta könet är att vara otrogen.

Så det beror på hur eller vem som resonerar jusr otrohet i sina egna ögon.

2011-07-31 @ 01:04:59
Postat av: Anonym

Jag håller fullständigt med!!:-)

2011-08-05 @ 16:45:43

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