Positiv vibes

Its so important with positiv influence by things and what people gives us. I just got a lot of positiv vibes and thoughts of a very important person in my life that i haven't seen in a while. I had forgotten what kind of person she is. She has always been a good friend of mine and i had mist her so much so im glad she is back in my life and i can't wait to spend some more time with her and learn with open mind and heart about her and the way she thinks and analyse things. It could really help me develop as a person and the quatiys that i have. My mind map in my head is getting easier and better and it's all because of her i mean it. She has bean my insperation and motivation to belive more in myself and to start doing things for me and nobody else THANK YOU!! We really need a person,a guide who can help us and give us guidence through life. And its better when its a friend who knows you,who cares about you and wants the best for you. I feel that the path is opening and im opening to the possibility that i could come to be someone important and do things that i might like,who knows!

Lesson of day:
Don't give up!
Your guide is beside you.
A friend is more than just a shoulder to cry on.
A old friend from your past can help you more than you think.

Until tomorow to see another beautiful friend.
Peace,Love & Devotion

Postat av: Luci

Loved what u wrote. Besitos

2011-04-27 @ 00:26:24
Postat av: Luci

Loved what u wrote. Besitos

2011-04-27 @ 00:29:07

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